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Herbal Essences Bio:renew shampoo and conditioner

Beautifully Original herbal essences review

While doing my latest weekly shop I noticed Herbal Essences have a new bio:renew range as you can see in the picture the thing that struck me straight away is the shampoo and bottle are transparent yes there is no nasty colourants in these and after reading the statements on the bottle with it mentioning things like pH balanced and 0% parabens, I knew it would be great for my highlighted hair.

Straight away i went for the white strawberry and mint scent, i did have a little smell of the other fragrances, i stood in the middle of the shopping isle with a very bemused staff member who was looking like she was trying to work if i was a shoplifter with a taste for shampoos or a genuine shopper.

The first thing that hits you when you use both the shampoo and the conditioner is the beautifully fragrance, to be honest I did not expected it to smell as good as it does even my partner noticed. The scent is fresh and zingy, the combination of both the strawberry and mint work really well together I think the addition of mint stops the white strawberry from being too sickly sweet. The mint is not strong yet you can smell it on your hair when it’s dried. The shampoo lathers nicely but not as much as other shampoos but i suspect that’s because it has less chemicals in it as it says 0% parabens, sulphates, gluten and colourants on the bottle but I don’t know any shampoos that have gluten in them but hey if you gluten intolerant it won’t do you any harm.

I like to leave the conditioner on my hair a little longer than the shampoo as I have long hair and it really makes a difference to my hair to leave it on a little longer it dries smooth and glossy and little flyaway hairs I have are not a problem anymore. These hava been in my shower for over two weeks now and im really enjoying using along with my normal hair car products and i my hair feels smoother. i know its a weird way to describe hair but it does feel silky.

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